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Leonora Weissmann
(Belo Horizonte, where she works and resides)
She graduated in painting and gravure and holds a masters of Arts from Escola de
Belas Artes da UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais). She has participated in
many group and individual exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, in fine and graphic arts,
but she has mainly exhibited painting at Martha Pagy Escritório de Arte (RJ), AM
Galeria de Arte (MG), SP-Arte (SP), Galeria de Arte da Cemig (MG), Espaço
Cultural Vallourec (MG), Museu Mineiro (MG), Sesc-Ribeirão Preto (SP), Espaço
Cultural BDMG (MG), Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil (MG), Palácio das Artes
(MG), Fiat Mostra Brasil in the basement of the São Paulo Bienal (SP), VII Salão do
Recôncavo among others, plus exhibitions in Africa, Italy, France, and Switzerland.
In 2015 she participated in the group exhibition “Álbum de Família,” at the Centro
Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, curated by Daniella Geo. She was a
painting resident at Caravane d’artistes 2, at the Centre Soleil d’Afrique, in Bamako,
Mali, Africa. There she did a workshop on Bogolan technique and, participated in
“Bogolan Photo” exhibition that ran parallel to the World Social Forum – “A Better
World is Possible.”
She has been selected and won prizes for her projects like “Garimpo” from Dasartes
magazine, Fiat Mostra Brasil, Prêmio Chamex de Arte Jovem, Salão da Juventude de
Ribeirão Preto and, as a chanteuse, at the Festival da Canção de Tatuí and Cantoras
Daqui, promoted by BDMG Cultural. She’s a singer-songwriter, and a member of the
collective ANA.